
2006-11-30 6:00 am

2)If I could,I would 反對推行香港優秀人才入境計劃,因為它會減少大學生出路 ,降低工資,而且會令失業率上升和雙失人數上升,引致人心不和,香港出生率還會上升,令增加政府開支。

回答 (2)

2006-11-30 12:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) In my view, what truly worth being happy about, is not that the world's elites becoming part of Hong Kong, but is that Hong Kong people having the possibilty of becoming the world's elites.

If I could I would oppose the idea of introducing the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme in Hong Kong because it has a negative effect on the outlooks of university graduates and also lowers the wages. In addition, it may push the unemployment rate and the number of youths who are neither engaged in work nor studies higher. This can leads to uneasiness amongst people. The birth rate in Hong Kong will continue to rise which will increase the government's financial burden.


elite - 精英
part of Hong Kong - 香港的一分子
possibilty - 可能性

oppose - 反對
Quality Migrant Admission Scheme - 優秀人才入境計劃 [官方名稱]
negative effect - 負面的影嚮
outlook - 前景
university graduate - 大學畢業生
wages - 工資
In addition - 加上
unemployment rate - 失業率
youths who are neither engaged in work nor studies - 雙失青年 [無業無學]
uneasiness - 不安 [人心不和]
birth rate -出生率
financial burden - 經濟負擔

2006-12-01 20:12:11 補充:
If I could,I would 不是極少出現。(都好常見)eg1) If I could,I would turn back the time.  假設我能夠時間倒流的話,我會將時間倒流。2) If I could, I would have given you some help yesterday but I really did not have the time. 如果我可以,我昨天會幫你,但我昨天真係冇時間。基本上 If I could,I would 用於[一件幾乎不可能發生的事],主要講番 past tense。
2006-11-30 6:24 am
1) I I thought what is truly worth happily, not has the world outstanding person
wanting to become the Hong Kong people, But is the Hong Kong people has the possibility to become the world outstanding person.

2) If I could,I would disagree Hong Kong carries out the plan of talented people to enters a country as a resident, as it would decrease the opportunities for university students, which includes reduce wages and increased unemployment rate. Moreover, The birth rate has also rise in HK, which has increase the goverment's expenses.
參考: myself

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