
2006-11-30 5:14 am

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2006-11-30 10:30 am
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當西班牙內戰發生於一九三六至三九年,畢加索在震驚憤怒之餘,一九三七年就開始繪製《赫尼卡》。「赫尼卡」是西班牙歷史名鎮巴斯卡恩 (Biscayan)的一個小村落,在三七年四月廿六日,竟被西班牙的法西斯主義者佛朗哥在德國納粹空軍協助下,用飛機轟炸和機槍掃射,女人和小孩一無倖免,而恰巧當時有一小隊外國新聞記者無意中路過該村,慘事因而舉世皆知。

畢加索是在一九三四年最後一次回到西班牙,那是在內戰爆發前兩年,此後他再沒有回到自己家鄉。但像所有被放逐的藝術家一樣,鄉土仍是其創作靈感的源泉。而《赫尼卡》可說是畢加索對西班牙內戰的一個反應。但正如Andrew Brigton所說的,只有畫題能讓我們看出此畫背後的「反法西斯主義」動機,畫作本身並無線索顯示畢加索的政治立場,因而令日後的解讀者眾說紛紜。




2006-11-30 02:47:25 補充:
Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso, inspired by Picasso's horror at the Nazi German bombing of Gernika, Spain on April 26, 1937 during the Spanish Civil War. The air raid destroyed the city, killing an estimated 1,600 people and injuring many more..

2006-11-30 02:49:25 補充:
The huge mural was produced under a commission by the Spanish Republican government to decorate the Spanish Pavilion at 1937 World's Fair in Paris. .

2006-11-30 02:50:06 補充:
11.5 feet tall and almost 26 feet wide mural painted in oil. The mural presents a scene of death, violence, brutality, suffering, and helplessness without portraying their immediate causes. .

2006-11-30 02:50:45 補充:
The choice to paint in black and white contrasts with the intensity of the scene depicted and invokes the immediacy of a newspaper photograph..

2006-11-30 02:51:14 補充:
Guernica depicts suffering people, animals, and buildings wrenched by violence and chaos.* The overall scene is within a room, where, at an open end on the left, a wide-eyed bull stands over a woman grieving over a dead child in her arms..

2006-11-30 02:52:06 補充:
* A horse falling in agony as it had just been run through by a spear or javelin occupies the center. The shape of a human skull forms the horse's nose and upper teeth..

2006-11-30 02:57:18 補充:
* Two “ hidden “ images formed by the horse appear in Guernica: A human skull and a bull.* Under the horse is a dead, apparently dismembered soldier; his hand on a severed arm still grasps a shattered sword from which a flower grows..

2006-11-30 02:58:34 補充:
* A light bulb blazes in the shape of an eye over the suffering horse's head..

2006-11-30 02:59:07 補充:
* To the upper right of the horse, a frightened female figure, who seems to be witnessing the scenes before her, appears to have floated into the room through a window. Her arm, also floating in, carries a flame-lit lamp..

2006-11-30 02:59:40 補充:
* From the right, an awe-struck woman staggers towards the center below the floating female figure. She looks up blankly into the blazing light bulb.* Daggers that suggest screaming replace the tongues of the bull, grieving woman, and horse..

2006-11-30 03:00:18 補充:
* A bird, possibly a duck, stands on a shelf behind the bull in panic.* On the far right, a figure with arms raised in terror is entrapped by fire from above and below.* A dark wall with an open door defines the right end of the mural..

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