
2006-11-30 5:05 am
不要寫HOW ARE YOU?之類既野

回答 (4)

2006-11-30 6:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Why do you come to HK ?
2. Up to now, where do you like most in HK ?
3. What is the special cultural of HK that you think is good ?
4. How do you think HK people ? nice? kind? helpful?
你認為香港人怎樣? 友善?樂於助人?
5. Will you come to HK again next time ?
6. Are you enjoy your trip to HK ?
參考: myself
2006-11-30 11:14 pm
what you like to eat among all the chinese cuisine? - 雲雲咁多中國菜你最鍾意邊樣?

Can you tell me something about your country? - 不如你講吓你國家嘅嘢我知?

Which area of Hong Kong you had been visit yet? - 到而家唯止你去過香港邊啲地方?

How long you plan to stay in here? - 你捻住晌度留幾耐?

what you like to do to kill your leisure time? - 你平時鍾意做啲咩架?
2006-11-30 7:55 am
correcting grammar in previous responses:

How many family members do you have? (correct)
Where you live in? --> Where do you live?
How old are you? (correct)
What is your favourite colour? (correct)
Are you married? (correct)

Why do you come to HK? --> Why DID you come to HK? (past tense)
Why did you choose to come to Hong Kong? (emphasizes 選擇)
Up to now, where do you like most in HK? (it's ok I guess.)
What is the special cultural of HK that you think is good ? --> Which cultural aspect of Hong Kong do you appreciate/like most/think is good?
How do you think HK people ? nice? kind? helpful? --> What do you think about Hong Kong people?
Will you come to HK again next time ? --> remove next time... it's not necessary.
Are you enjoy your trip to HK ? --> are you enjoyING your trip? (since that person is in the process of it, therefore use present continuous)

2006-11-29 23:56:36 補充:
please don't be lazy. at least you should have TRIED to come up with your own five sentences and have people correct them, instead of expecting people to write them for you-_-
2006-11-30 5:12 am
How many family members do you have?
Where you live in?
How old are you?
What is your favourite colour?
你最 love 的 colour
Are you married?

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