
2006-11-30 4:52 am

回答 (3)

2006-12-02 9:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
In my opinion, the appreciation of RMB tends to have more bad influences.

The appreciation of RMB will increase much products price because most of HK imported goods are come from China. HK citizens must pay more for maintaining the same living standards.

Besides, the export from China to overseas will decrease because the foreign buyers must pay more for China products. Then it influences the re-export from China to HK and then from HK to overseas.

Also, HK investors have to invest more fund for their capital expenditure in China. Eg HK investors must pay more HKD to pay RMB for investments, materials and salary in China.

Of course it may bring some benefits to HK.

HK people will spend less in China and willing to stay more time in HK for their leisure.

Furthermore, more China visitors will visit HK and it will bring financial benefits to HK retails.
2006-11-30 5:37 am
那香港奸商肯定高舉紅期反紅期; 意即心裡高興到不得了, 但表面仍堅持反對. 你看人民幣才升不足3%, 但零售商及旅行社已急不及待加5-10%, 甚至離譜到把年底加薪減少.

在經濟角度看, 人民幣升值無論對我國經濟和社會隐定都有不良後果; 現在比較務實的北京政府雖受美國大力壓迫; 但仍抗爭制止, 就知他是較明智和有常理的領導; 換轉是毛澤東時代, 恐怕已升值200% 甚至500%, (不要笑), 毛主席曾在中國經濟谷底時升值200%, 最高時人民幣兌港元是: $100.= RMB23.40; 比現時高4倍多, 那時中國經濟面臨破產; 及後鄧小平上台又把人民幣大幅貶值100%, 200%...500%....700%以上, (HK$100=RMB148.00), 中國經濟才可隐定.

由上述例証; 中國經濟是承受不了升值的; 再過幾年, 中國農民將面臨漰毀; WTO零關稅, 農產品零元進口; ; 加上人民幣升值; 農民不餓死才怪.
2006-11-30 4:58 am
其實冇咩特別影響, 一來人民幣升始終係好過港紙跌, 消費力根本冇變過. 二來每個幣值都會經過一輪起跌, 先至會令到經濟再次起飛. 而中國係有好多生意同香港做緊, 咁短期黎講以經係好事. 起碼兩者都得益law
參考: 自己

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