NDS save game問題

2006-11-30 2:59 am
有d game唔係自動save 係game問題or roms問題??
例如我隻pokemon 係裡面save唔到

回答 (2)

2006-12-03 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
沒有problem 的 Super Mario is a good example 打完castle 才可以save

沒有可能! maybe 有些reason

QUESTION : I go and start a New Game, but it isn't letting me save!
ANSWER : For some reason, you are now unable to save your game if you
already have a save file. You'll need to erase your existing save
file first. To do so, at the title screen (where it shows either
Dialga or Parukia), hold in the following buttons:


You will then be asked if you wish to erase your saved game. If you
say yes, you will erase the save, and will be able to start a New
Game AND be able to save it.

2006-12-03 11:45:14 補充:
you should press Y and choose save
2006-11-30 5:12 pm
有d game 要過左一d 關先save 得,例如 for 孖寶兄弟,要過左城堡 d 關先save 到...

唔知答唔答到你問題... ^^||

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