咩叫phrasel words呀??好急架

2006-11-30 1:50 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-30 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
由一個動詞加一個介詞組成既詞組, 叫動詞短語

例如get up
get係動詞 up係介詞

動詞短語好難係表面睇出佢既意思, 因為佢同動詞本身有分別
例如係tell off , 佢解責罵, 同tell 有分別
In the English language, a phrasal verb is a verb combined with an uninflected preposition, an adverb, or an adverbial particle; for example, "stand up".

A phrasal verb is also called verb-particle construction, verb phrase, multi-word verb, or compound verb. American English expressions are two-part verb or in some cases three-part verb.

Many verbs in English are followed by an adverb or a preposition (also called a particle), and these two-part verbs, also called phrasal verbs, are different from verbs with helpers. The particle that follows the verb changes the meaning of the phrasal verb in idiomatic ways:

drop off
decline gradually
The hill dropped off near the river.

drop off(2)
fall asleep
While doing his homework, he dropped off.

drop off(3)
stop and give something to someone
Would you drop this off at the post office?

drop out
cease to participate
After two laps, the runner dropped out.

Some particles can be separated from the verb so that a noun and pronoun can be inserted, and some particles can't be separated from the verb. In addition, some phrases are intransitive, meaning they cannot take a direct object.

add up (meaning: to add)
Correct: She added up the total on her calculator.

Correct: She added it up on her calculator.
get around (meaning: to evade)
Correct: She always gets around the rules.

Incorrect: She always gets the rules around (This construction makes no sense in English.)
Intransitive catch on (meaning: to understand) Correct: After I explained the math problem, she began to catch on.
Incorrect: She began to catch on the math problem. (catch on cannot take a direct object in this meaning.)
Correct: She began to catch on to the math problem. (the word to makes the math problem an indirect object, which is acceptable in this meaning.)
參考: 維基百科+me
2006-11-30 1:57 am
Example of Phrasel verbs

Get ahead = successful
Get in = get on a car/train
Get over = recover
Call on = visit
Talk over = discuss
Call off = cancel
Look into = investigate

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