咩係present participles and past particples

2006-11-30 12:59 am
咩係present participles and past particples,幾時(在甚麼情況)會用到

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2006-11-30 1:10 am
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Participles are verb like adjectives. They are derived from verbs but performed the function of an adjective.

There are two main kinds of participles: Present Participle and Past Participle.

Present Participle tells us something that is going on at the moment of speaking.

Past participle tells us something that has been done or completed.

e.g. A burning house --> a house is burning

e.g. A burnt house --> a house has been burnt

The past participle of verbs express somekind of feeling or emotion of human beings.

e.g. I felt excited when I watched that film.

The present participle of the verbs refer to things that give rise to feeling or emotion.

e.g. This is an exciting film. I felt really excited when I was watching it.

If we have the same subject in two sentences, we can use a participle phrase to join the two sentences togehter.

e.g. Hearing the news, I felt sad.

However, if there are two different subjects in two sentences, we cannot just simply join the two sentences together with a participle phrase. This time, we need "being".

e.g. It being a fine day, we went picnic.

Being + p.p./adjective

e.g. Being unemployed for more than 3 months, he decided to get help from Social WelfareDepartment.

收錄日期: 2021-05-02 18:33:24
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