
2006-11-30 12:13 am
各位朋友, 我想問下...
我架係97yr madaz 323 - start車後, 約等1 ~ 2分鐘才開車作溫車
(通常轉數由 2k 回落1.5k轉後才開車)
最近呢個月, 當我溫車時, 我聽到engine左手邊 (即乘客位) 哪邊有一陣陣的"磁磁聽" (即每隔一兩秒就 磁~磁), 但當行車後 (只不過係個比左小小油行左"d"咁多), 再停車, 就沒有了...
究竟係乜事呢???? 架車係唔係夠期??? 不過我覺得佢的表現都算係唔錯 bor
不過, 我早兩日發現, 如果我溫車及當我聽到有"磁磁聽"時, 我踏底極力子, 聽就沒有了...
究竟係乜事呢???? 是否極力子問題???

回答 (3)

2006-11-30 7:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
you car no problem
when cold engine start, it run fast idle like 2K rpm, the engine vibration with high frequency through the engine mounting and body chassis to your car meter- dash panel and the front door lining trim, se se sound will be heard, once the idle speed gradually drop down, the engine frequency vibration changed and then you didn't hear any more, so two month ago, you would not hear due to the outside temp still hot, but these week day, you will easy detected due to temperature around 18 degree c in the morning.
.cold start fast idle speed changed depend on the temperature.
Once you pressed down the clutch pedal, it dis-engage with the transmission power path, the frequency changedor loading changed. Even you no need to press the clutch, wait until it warm up, the rpm drop to idle, the vibration sound se se will gone.
same as your mobile phone , set in vibration mode when ring call in.
2006-11-30 6:33 am
2006-11-30 12:39 am
通常滋滋聲表示要換皮帶咋喎. 是否好耐冇換過皮帶?

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