
2006-11-30 12:03 am
How can I earn money ?
How can I start a quest?
What quest can I do?
How can I trade with people?If I trade with them,can I earn money?And what will I do if I
trade with them?
Where can I find tutors?
Where can I go fishing if my fish level is under 15?
How do I get to other places?By foot or.......
I am not a member.........

*********************** I AM NOW IN Lumbridge ***************************

my user name:Gracelawvivi

回答 (5)

2006-12-01 5:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you need to earn money .You can kill chicken got feather to sell from varrok west bankworth (world 1)5-10each.or you can kill cow to get cowhide then u can sell it everywhere i think worth 100-150each or you can kill giant hill to got big bones (called bbs, and giant hill are 28 level ) worth(world 1 ) is 300-400each and you can pick essence and sell in east varrok bank worth (world 1) 20-30each,or you can mining the coal and iron (coal need 30 level to mine, and iron need 15 level to mine) coal worth(world 1 )150-200each ,iron worth (world 1 ) 85-110each or you can get them smith to steel bar which worth(world 1 ) 500each- 600each (smith level 31) or you can fishing lobster and swordfish (fishing level 40 up, world 1 , lobster players called lob and swordfish called swordies) worth(world 1 ) lobster worth 200-250each and swordfish worth 250each-400each. Somethings like that...................................

If you need to start the quest .You can click the blue things where behide the box where have allquest here when you click you can know all help and how to start.

If you are a nonmember . You can do 18 quest .If you a member you can do 120 quest left.

You want to trade with people you need right click on you want to trade one then wait for his want to trade with you . then if you want to trade .You can two click accept then OK

.You can find the tutors in the everywhere if he/she want .

You can go to fishing where is near the battleaxe shop and go inside then you talk to someone he can give you a smallnat then go to fishing spots to fishing

if your magic lv more the 30 you can teleport to everywhere like varrok , lumbridge , falador ........................
2008-10-28 5:06 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]
2006-12-05 2:32 am
you can sell something to get money
2006-12-01 6:29 am
i tell you no need earn i can give everone 100K
all see this thing player
add me :kslkenny
telephone nember:28174372
i can +++ you up L
OR OR ANTHER PLAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-30 22:30:31 補充:
me is 103L me= member

2006-11-30 22:31:21 補充:
me=103L me= memberme can do friend ??
2006-12-01 12:37 am
1.att man! to redo
3.the kinght's sword with people and the people trade with!give your thing to the people see! shops!
6.Lumbridge or go

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