
2006-11-29 11:45 pm

即係類似我o係日本買完o野食完o野想要返張單... 因為我要問佢o地拎返張單返公司claim 錢..

回答 (3)

2006-11-30 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 受領書をお願いします。
juryosho o onegaishimasu

意思: 唔該把收據給我

2. 受領書をください。
juryosho o kudasai

意思: 請給我收據

其實2句差唔多意思, 用邊句都一樣
2006-11-30 12:49 am
receipt = 領収書(りょうしゅうしょ) / レシート

ryou-syuu-syo wo i-ta-da-ke-ma-su-ka?

re-shi-to wo i-ta-da-ke-ma-sen-ka?
參考: 自己
2006-11-30 12:17 am
There are many ways to express it. Considering your circumstances, I would suugest you to say:

reshito onegai shimasu (in romanji form), which is pronounced as le-shi-tall, or-nei-gai-shim-masu.

reshito means, and originates from the English word receipt. An easy way to remember it is to add "tall" to the English word receipt, and to pronounce the first letter r as l (Japanese cannot pronounce r)

onegai shimasu originates partly from Kanji and partly from Hiragana. Whenever you want to request something, you just put the noun ahead of onegai shimasu,. eg,

Mizu onegai shimasu = may I have some water (when you are in a eating place)
Mizu = water.

Enjoy your food and shopping in Japan

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