
2006-11-29 10:01 pm

回答 (3)

2006-11-30 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
-------> bank charges in adminstrative expenses
(a. 按香港做法,因為是公司日常運作之費用)
-------> bank charges in finance costs
(b. 按國內做法,但不知什麼原因, 可能是有關銀行關係掛)

Administrative Expenses & Finance Costs 差別很大 :-

A) Administrative Expenses (日常運作費用, 字面不作大解釋)
B) Finance costs (財務/融資費用,只包括貸款利息(按實際利率)及貸款所產生之手續費, 是因為公司財務結構不同而產生的,例如公司全部資金是股東投入,不用其他貸款,就不會有此費用)

就因為是一個是日常運作費用, 另一個是公司財務結構不同而產生的,income statements 放的位址有所不同。

Turnover xx
Cost of goods sold xx
Gross profits xx
Other income xx
Adm. exp xx
Profit from
operation activities xx
Finance costs xx
Profit before tax ................

(e.g. http://www.hkex.com.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20061129/01125/EWF109.pdf)

一般分析員/財務員角度,公司賺不賺錢,利益率高不高,是看PBIT(profit before interest & tax) or PBITD (profit before interest & tax & depreciation),故看profit from operation activities 這行數字,作其他項目比較。(歸於Profitability 分析)

Finance costs 是看負債是否很重、WACC等等因素,例如PBIT/finance cost。(歸於Debt management 等等分析)
2006-11-29 10:54 pm
Bank charges

係入Finance Costs

唔係入Administrative Expenses

2006-11-29 15:00:58 補充:
個名應該係Financial Expenses, e.g.exchange difference, overdraft / loan interestAdministrative Expenses 係入d行政費用, e.g, insurance of assets or staff, MPF, salaries, stamps, sundry expense.......上面個位網友係咪讀 / 做account? 唔好教錯人呀!!
2006-11-29 10:07 pm
Bank charges

2006-11-29 14:08:24 補充:
It should be under Administrative Expenses, not Finance Costs

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