
2006-11-29 6:51 pm
其實呢首交響曲睇戲都成日聽到, 好經典, 但係我到而家都唔知叫乜嘢名

首曲係好似一個樂團咁唱, 全部都用高音唱

唱到個氣氛好似好緊張咁, 但係其實唱唔明佢唱緊乜

我想揾呢首交響曲嘅名, 布望大家可以幫下手

我知咁樣講好似好虛無咁, 但係我真係唔知點形容首曲

to mom mom : 揾晒第9交響曲第1-4樂章都唔係 但係就似第4樂章果種樂團嘅唱法, 都係好高音 其實我講果首全首都係一種好緊張嘅氣氛 都好多謝你


to hl_so : 揾過你講果啲, 可惜都唔係...... 不過我諗應該唔係opera, 因為我啱啱過好多opera試聽, 唔同果種feel 我想揾果首一堆人唱嘅, 一開場已經去到好高音 有一種魔鬼降臨嘅感覺 好多謝你幫我

回答 (5)

2006-12-01 11:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
是否Carl Orff. Carmina Burana 奥爾夫-布朗尼之歌 ?
2006-12-02 1:21 am

1. Mahler( 馬勒) ge symphony No.3 Movt. 4-6 (尤其係...movt. 6 misterioso)

2. Verdi首安魂曲 個dies irae (最似你個提示)

3. 或者mozart 個 great mass in c minor, k427
2006-12-01 8:30 pm
Will it be the theme from thr famous horror film "The Omen"? as u mention it is like devil's coming, i think of this answer.
The horror film music genre has a number of understated classics such as Searle's The Haunting and Parker's Curse Of The Demon.

see if this is what u want?
參考: me
2006-11-30 5:27 pm
There is almost no 交響曲, or symphony, that has choral parts in all movements (全部都唱). Maybe it's not a symphony, but a mass? I would suggest Mozart's Requiem K. 626 or Bach B-minor Mass. Both of these are 好經典. If it's an opera, then the possibilities are endless...
Not knowing what a piece is but it keeps ringing in your ears - ah, I know that horrible feeling. Hope you find the piece you're looking for!

2006-11-30 13:08:02 補充:
Hmm... 一開場已經去到好高音 ... my next suggestion, Mahler Symphony No. 8 (though not 魔鬼降臨嘅感覺...). You sure it's 一開場 but not at the middle of a piece?
2006-11-29 11:12 pm

貝多芬的d小調第九交響曲寫作於1823年,完成於1824年,作品編號為125號,全曲共分4個樂章。這是貝多芬一生中的最後一首交響曲,在這首交響曲中的最後一個樂章(第四樂章)中,貝多芬首次聯合了合唱團與管弦樂團,為歷來在交響樂上的創舉,因此這首第九號交響曲又稱為「合唱交響曲」。合唱部分所用歌詞是德國詩人席勒的《歡樂頌》(An die Freude)。

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