
2006-11-29 1:17 pm

回答 (4)

2006-11-30 2:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
hp o係香港品牌效果良好, 質素又有保證, 購買方便
dell 係直銷牌子, 香港仲有好多人未接受到呢個模式
另外由於無用代言人, 對電腦唔熟都未必會留意呢個牌子
但亦係呢個原因, 佢價錢可以做到好平, 甚至去到 bto 個 level
保養亦有上門維修, 不過要上網或電話買
有人覺得好似隔山買牛, 唔太接受, 又無得即時拎走

相對價格性能比, dell 可係話係牌子機中最高
如果係講實用, 我都會建議人買 dell
我介紹過人買過都 over 10 部 (desktop and laptop)
如果成日拎出街就免喇, 唔夠輕巧之餘個樣仲唔太掂
要靚就 sony 啦, 平 d 就華碩都幾好款
參考: 個人經驗
2006-11-29 6:55 pm

如果在香港品牌來講, 當然係選HP. 因為HP扎根香港時間比較長, 品牌型像好~! 如果價錢相約, 當然係選HP~!

2006-11-29 6:12 pm
Both of them are not really good, all made in China.

Very heavy, easy to break, always repair, do not expect to last more the 15 months.

If can affort better get a old model sony or fujitsu
2006-11-29 3:30 pm
both of them are good!! dell is cheaper, but most of the hp laptops have a memory card reader

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