
2006-11-29 9:26 am
長榮航空, 中華航空, 菲律賓航空都好平,安全嗎?

回答 (7)

2006-11-29 10:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
If EVA Air/China Airlines/Philippine Airlines are at the same/similar price... I would suggest you to choose EVA Air/China Airlines over Philippine Airlines as their services are much better compare to Philippine Airlines...
So out of EVA Air/China Airlines, the services is pretty much the same although many suggest China Airlines services is much better... But EVA Air maybe safer if you are scared of the previous safety record of China Airlines... Having said that, China Airlines have improved by far during the last few years with many new aircraft replacing their older ones...
If you have to choose Philippine Airlines... Their safety standard is pretty good... But do not expect too much of services really... Although the Filipino have less chance to fly unlike us... So they will chap while the aircraft land safely and take off safely...

For cheap tickets... I would always suggest you to have a look at www.zuji.com for their ticket and their pricing and they should be pretty reasonable... Also that they do sell tickets of all 3 of the airlines that you have listed... So have a look there... And maybe go around to some large travel agency or a travel agency that you used most to have a look at they price they offer... Then you can decide which to use...
2006-12-06 12:49 am
of corse singapore airlines la, if u fly sq, u know no other can compare la!!!!!
SQ!!! SQ!!! SQ!!!
2006-12-04 3:14 am
2006-11-30 10:23 pm
I have flown on EVA airlines to San Francisco before, the experience was really good, food was good, service was good, I'd recommend it. (Since then, I tried to fly on EVA whenever I go to Taipei.) I wouldn't fly on 華航, since I value my life.
2006-11-30 6:46 am
Cathay Pacific because they won airline of the year 2006.

Anyway, If i have to choose probably the philippines airline. Well all the airline must be safe in order to carry passengers. It said on the FAA rules.
2006-11-29 5:18 pm
長榮同華航都OK, 但係菲律賓航空就真係麻麻. 咁三間airlines之中我會揀華航, 因為佢d service比起上0黎真係越0黎越好. 我自己就覺得上網買機票平之餘仲好方便tim, 你可以試0下Li個web site (我都係0係0個0度買機票ga):

2006-11-29 9:31 am
my experience,菲律賓airline你就要預左忍受D好多賓賓嘈住你囉,佢地真係架機起飛又拍手,landing又拍手唱歌..十分搞笑...
同埋D seats 有少少窄囉'/

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