去倫敦想睇歌劇, 有冇介紹 ?

2006-11-29 7:32 am
去倫敦想睇歌劇, 有冇介紹 ?
有冇話邊部好睇d, 或者值得睇d呢 ?
有冇話邊個劇場好d ?
又有冇邊度可以買到平票呢 ?

回答 (2)

2006-11-29 5:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Saturday Night Fever (周末狂熱)
We Will Rock You
Mary Poppins (歡樂滿人間)
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (約瑟夫與神奇的夢幻彩衣)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (飛天萬能車)

我覺得最正就係 We Will Rock You同 Saturday Night Fever,不過好多有得你撰家!!


平ticket最好去Leicester Square (唐人街嗰頭) 買, 平好多家!!! Internet都冇咁平呀!!!
參考: 吾家在London
2006-11-29 7:40 am
1. You can take the subway to Westend. All the theatres are there.
2. I highly recommended Les Miserable (孤聲淚), Miss Saigon, Lion King, and Phantom of the Opera (歌聲魅影)
3. Different theatres show different operas, so you have to choose the opera you wanna watch rather than the theatres.
4. I don't know where you can buy cheaper tickets. Try to ask the information centres for tourists (with the logo `i') But in my experience, you have to buy tickets in advance. Most of the theatres are full.
參考: my experience

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