
2006-11-29 6:44 am

回答 (4)

2006-11-29 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得一定會有影響, 因為就算佢地已經服完刑出黎, D人都會用有色眼鏡睇佢地, 僱主為免麻煩, 不如索性唔好請佢地. 特別係當佢地見的工, 係有機會接觸異性的話, 僱主更可以大條道理話要保障客人, 避免引起客人不安等藉口唔請佢地, 反正不會觸犯性別歧視條例.

所以為保護人權起見, 政府係唔應該設立性罪犯資料庫. 香港的司法制度, 已經由以前的懲罰性質, 轉變至現時的更新性質, 即係希望犯過罪的人可以有改過自身的機會; 若設立性罪犯資料庫, 豈不是要犯人一輩子都要背負住性罪犯標籤, 這樣不是自打嘴巴嗎?

況且佢地見工時已經要表明坐過監, 已經比人標籤左係監等, 咁對搵工已經有障礙; 仲要標明係性罪犯, 咁豈不是是雙重標籤?

不過一篇好的作文, 不應該一面倒, 所以最好講埋就算政府真係要設立資料庫, 亦應該要限制可以閱覽的人, 例如只供法庭查閱等. 至於其他人, 除非提供充分的理由, 否則不應讓公眾人士查閱.

希望在下的愚見, 可以比你少少參考.
2006-11-29 8:16 am

Will it affect former sexual offender (FSO) in getting a job?
That depends who can assess to the database. However, there is controlled and limited and use of the data, seems no means to check!


Should such database be setup?
The decision is to setup a two-edged sword. It will be discriminating in nature. Criminal after serving the sentence in prison, owes nothing to the society anymore. They should not be discriminated. Releasing their information and identity affect their chance to rehablate and to merge into the society. This is also an important cure to put them back into the right track of the society.

On the contrary, there is no guarantee that released FSO from prison is mental cured 100%. What if they remain a tendancy to commit similar crimes. The public may want to have their information in order to keep away from them, especially the children who are incapable to protect themselves.

This is an opened argument requiring more analysis from different aspects. Conflicting interest in society is common. The problem and solution is how to get a balance between all these difference.
參考: Own opinion
2006-11-29 6:50 am
2006-11-29 6:48 am

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