求文30~40 字 ,和一位遊客遊尖沙咀 qq

2006-11-29 6:21 am
求文30~40 字 ,和一位遊客遊尖沙咀 qq

回答 (3)

2006-11-29 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I refuse to write essays for people, but I will try to correct the grammar of the response submitted by the person above:

Welcome to Tsim Sha Tsui. There are loads of shopping malls, hotels, pubs and museums in this area. A famous tourist spot is our newly-constructed Avenue of Stars, which is similar to the Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. From the avenue you can see a panoramic view of Hong Kong Island. There is a laser show every evening and fireworks on Fridays and Saturdays. (The last sentence is a bit clumsy though...)
2006-11-29 10:37 am
Welcome to Tsim Sha Tsui, We have loads shopping malls, hotels, pubs and museum in this area. A famous tourist point is our new Avenue of Stars, just like the Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, on the avenue you can see the whole view of Hong Kong Island. We have laser show every evening, also fireworks on Fridays and Saturdays.
2006-11-29 7:51 am
Welcome to Tsim Sha Tsui! Here has a lot of shopping malls, so u can walk around and buy something as souvenior. Also, here has many different museums ,such as the Space Museum which looks like a pineapple bread, the Science Msueum, the History Museum,etc. You will find a lot of fun. After that, we can walk along the seashore, so u can see the beautiful view.

Hope can help u ~!!!
If there is any mistakes, correct them~!!

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