about AMD cpu 的問題

2006-11-29 5:27 am
姐係有幾多GB 幾快 我只係知佢係2核心...仲有佢有咩特點?

回答 (2)

2006-11-29 3:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
it's an AMD althon 64x2 3800+ cpu(64bits), it can run windows vista(x86 and x64 version)
it has 2 cores, the speed of each core is 2.0Ghz, 89 watts, max. temperature: 65C
If you want to buy this cpu, i would say no, intel core 2 duo, and intel extreme are faster than amd
2006-11-29 5:35 am
呢個係EE版. 比起3800+ 原版效率唔高得去邊,只係可以省電。。。
你可以去amd官網check 詳細資料
參考: 自己知識

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