Where is Lsrael?(20分)急!

2006-11-29 5:05 am
Where is Lsrael?
Who is Lsreal's leaders?
How big is Lsrael ?
How many people in Lsrael?
Why should (or not) I visit it?
Is Lsrael is a capital city?
Is Lsrael is uqique ?

write about 150 words


回答 (2)

2006-11-29 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Israel, officially the State of Israel, is a country in Western Asia on the southeastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Lebanon in the north, Syria and Jordan in the east, and Egypt in the south-west.
(2) The President of Israel is Moshe Katsav and the Prime Minister is Ehud Olmert.
(3) The total area under Israeli law, including East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, is 22,145 km² .
(4) According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, as of May 2006, of Israel's 7,047,001 people, 77% were Jews, 18.5% Arabs, and 4.3% "others". Among Jews, 68% were Sabras (Israeli-born), mostly second or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim: 22% from Europe and the Americas, and 10% from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries.
(5) Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, is located in the heart of the country, nestled among the Judean Hills. The city's ancient stones, imbued with millennia of history, and its numerous historical sites, shrines and places of worship attest to its meaning for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Its modern architecture, well-tended parks, contemporary malls, outlying industrial zones, and ever-expanding suburbs proclaim its hopes for the future.

(6) Of course, Israel is unique, the Promised Land of the Bible, is today a modern, thriving, bustling and vibrant country. For centuries, the sites of many of the most stirring events on the history of mankind lay dormant beneath shifting sands and crumbling terraces, until the land was reclaimed by the People of Israel returning from exile. In today's Israel, cities, towns and villages, fertile farms and green forests, sophisticated industries and well-developed commercial enterprises have replaced barren hillsides, swamps, and desert wilderness.
  The echoes of the past still reverberate amide this dynamic rebirth. Jerusalem, the Holy City and eternal Capital of Israel, retains its aura of sanctity and welcomes the constant stream of pilgrims of all faiths. The contemporary city of Be'er Sheva (Beersheva) stands at the beginning of the Negev Desert, as it did in the days of the Patriarch Abraham. Eilat, Israel's access to the Red Sea, is again a busy seaport, as it was during the reign of King Solomon. Nazareth, the site of the Annunciation and the childhood home of Jesus, set in the historic Galilee.
  In addition to its religious and historical sites, Israel has much to offer the tourists – vast stretches of clean, sunny beaches, modern cities and hotels, kibbutzim (collective villages), theaters and nightclubs, health resorts and colourful markets – all within a compact geographic circle: only a few hours traveling times separates the sun-warmed seashores and the snow-capped mountains, the lush forests and the scenic desert landscapes. Israel is indeed a rich and varied bouquet of attractions.
參考: Wikipedia
2006-11-29 5:46 am
Israel is a country in Western Asia on the southeastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Lebanon in the north, Syria and Jordan in the east, and Egypt in the south-west and has a population of over seven million people and area of 20,770 km².

Proclaimed independent in 1948, Israel is the world's only Jewish state, although its population includes citizens of many ethnic and religious backgrounds. The degree of political rights and civil liberties in Israel makes it the only liberal democracy in the Middle East, consisting of a multi-party system and separation of powers. This uniqueness of Israel is the reason to be visited.

Israel has a vibrant cultural life and a technologically and industrially advanced economy. Israel was ranked 23rd out of 177 countries in the 2006 United Nations Human Development Index, the highest ranking in the Middle East and third highest in Asia.

2006-11-28 21:46:44 補充:
Remember it should be Israel (with an i) not Lsrael.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 17:44:43
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