(2)商用英文 中翻英 20點!!唔要線上翻譯!! 唔該

2006-11-29 2:23 am
1 非常抱歉, 因網路故障數日, 本公司遲至今日才回覆貴公司信函.

2 本公司由世界貿易中心得知貴公司大名及電郵地址.

3 很冒昧寫信給貴公司自我介紹, 本公司在腳踏車界, 為一享有盛譽且具有悠久經驗之進口商.

4 感謝貴公司十一月八日來函, 本公司希望近期能有機會合作.

5 感謝貴公司對本案的注意, 敬候佳音.


還有其他的回答嗎? 你的有點怪 sorry

回答 (2)

2006-11-30 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 非常抱歉, 因網路故障數日, 本公司遲至今日才回覆貴公司信函.

Our apologies not being able to reply sooner (until today) due to our computer network breakdown.

2 本公司由世界貿易中心得知貴公司大名及電郵地址.

We learned your company and contacts from World Trade Center.

3 很冒昧寫信給貴公司自我介紹, 本公司在腳踏車界, 為一享有盛譽且具有悠久經驗之進口商.

Pardon us on this unsolicited introductory letter. We are a reputed and long standing import company on bicycles.

4 感謝貴公司十一月八日來函, 本公司希望近期能有機會合作.

Thanks for your letter dated Nov 8, 2006. We would like very much to start working with yoru company in the nearest future.

5 感謝貴公司對本案的注意, 敬候佳音.

Thank you for your attention and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
2006-11-29 6:54 am
Sorry because of the failure of internet connection, our company had to wait until today to give reply to your email.

Our company learned about your company's name and email address through Would Trade Centre.

To be a little bit ashamed to introduce ourself by this email, our company have earned great reputations and have long experiences as a bicycle importer.

Thank you for your email on November 8th. We hope that we would work together in the near future.

Thank you for your interest in this project, and we are waiting for your good news.

參考: me

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