(1)商用英文 中翻英 20點!!唔要線上翻譯!! 唔該

2006-11-29 2:13 am
1 本公司對貴公司產品非常有興趣, 請提供貴公司付款 交貨 最低訂購量等相關條件.

2 貴公司若能在聖誕節前, 另函提供給本公司完整的目錄及價格表, 本公司將不勝感激.

3 本公司出口經理將於十二月九日至十二月十五日到日本出差. 他不在的時候,
請與Sammi Lin連絡,她也非常熟悉本案.

4 感謝貴公司2006年十一月二十日的傳真詢問, 信中表達對本公司產品的興趣.

5 本公司是菲律賓主要的出口商及批發商之一, 主要從事電腦配件及零件.


回答 (4)

2006-11-29 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 our company is very interested in the products of your company, please offer to your company and cash on delivery such relevant conditions as the minimum order amount,etc..

If 2 your company can be before Christmas Day, offer intact catalogues and price list to our company by separate post, our company will be deeply grateful.

3 our company exports a manager and goes to Japan to go on business from December 9 to December 15. When he is out,
Please contact with Sammi Lin, she is very familiar with this case too.

4 expresses gratitude to the fax dated November 20, 2006 of your company and inquires, express the interest in products of our company in the letter.

5 our company is the main exporter of Philippine and one of the whole sellers, engaged in computer fittings and part mainly

2006-11-29 2:51 am
獻醜不如藏拙, 自己技不如人便不要將別人的翻譯只攺小小便抄下來, 這樣做很惹人反感的.
只攺小小連第一題的那句 please offer to your company 錯的都抄足, 問者是要希望對方能提供.............但你們這句 please offer to your company 就是叫對方向對方的公司提供, 怎會叫對方向對方提供? 應是 please offer to my company...............之後要指出向自己公司提供什麼, offer what to my company....否則就言之無物.

因為這些翻譯是商業上的運作, 所以我一般都不會給這些翻譯.

Sorry, I can't help (in fact, I won't help for such kind of translation)!!!

2006-11-28 19:00:01 補充:
第三句的那個出差英文是 BUSINESS TRIP 而不是 GO ON BUSINESS. 但若是我, 我便會用這句, 因為到時可能有變化, 不一定由Sammi Lin 代表的.
2006-11-29 2:27 am
1 our company is very interested in the products of your company , please offer to your company and cash on delivery relevant conditions , such as minimum order amount ,etc..

2If your company can be before Christmas Day, offer our company intact catalogues to and price list by separate post, our company will be deeply grateful .

3 our company exports a manager and goes to Japan to go on business from December 9 to December 15. When he is out,
Please contact with Sammi Lin, she is very familiar with this case too.

4 thanks the fax dated November 20 , 2006 of your company and inquires , express the interest in products of our company in the letter.

5 our company is the main exporter of Philippine and one of the whole sellers, engaged in computer fittings and part mainly.
2006-11-29 2:25 am
1 our company is very interested in the products of your company , please offer to your company and cash on delivery relevant conditions , such as minimum order amount ,etc..

2If your company can be before Christmas Day, offer our company intact catalogues to and price list by separate post, our company will be deeply grateful .

3 our company exports a manager and goes to Japan to go on business from December 9 to December 15. When he is out,
Please contact with Sammi Lin, she is very familiar with this case too.

4 thanks the fax dated November 20 , 2006 of your company and inquires , express the interest in products of our company in the letter.

5 our company is the main exporter of Philippine and one of the whole sellers, engaged in computer fittings and part mainly.
參考: 我希望幫到你

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