英文譯句 10分 (急)

2006-11-29 2:06 am
例如著名的黑社會遊戲 GTA, 遊戲裏面的人都可以拿着槍在街上胡亂射,如果在真實世界裏每一個人都帶槍出街,恐怕遊戲裏的畫面會出現在真實世界裏,而軍隊的火力又不夠平民強.不但會發生社會動亂,還會使人家破人亡,他們會失去親人,小孩子會失去父母,那麼他們長大後便會沒有人性一樣隨意殺人,所以准許人帶鎗出街不只是國家的問題,而是關乎下一代的問題.


回答 (2)

2006-11-29 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Such as underworld game GTA of the name, can the people inside the game all take? The rifle is penetrated carelessly in the street, if everyone takes rifles to go out of the street in true world, I'm afraid picture of game will appear on true world , but fire power of army and strong to enough for common people. Will take place social turmoil , can make people the whole family ruined , they will lose relatives, child will lose parents, can the human nature kill at will after they grow up then, so it is not only the question of the country to permit people to take rifles to go out of the street , but concern the question of future generation.
參考: me
2006-11-29 2:38 am
For example in the famous Triad computer game, GTA, characters can fire guns as they like on the street, if in the real world, everbody can carry guns like that, our society will become a screenshot of violent graphic games. Moreover, should the citizens possess a martial force stronger than the military power, social unrests can never be controlled. Turmoils will shatter families, splinter the society, bringing along huge casualty. Parents will lose their children, children will lose their parents, children growing up in such time will be hostile, and will have justified the killing of people. Therefore, allowing people to carry guns on street is not only a state matter, but an issue for the well-being of our next generation as well.

2006-11-28 18:41:48 補充:
amendments:"as they like" can be written as "at will"i don't know why "splinter" can't be displayed properly in the text, the word should be "s-p-l-i-n-t-e-r".

2006-11-28 18:43:01 補充:
i m sorry, should be the word "s-h-a-t-t-e-r families".
參考: Me

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