
2006-11-29 1:29 am

回答 (7)

2006-11-29 4:03 am
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I would like to take this opportunity to share an experience with you.
Once, I went to Watsons to get myself some daily items as usual. When I was pondering which facial cleansing cream to buy, a saleslady came up to me and asked me to fill out a questionnaire for her. Seeing there was time, I agreed. As I was doing so, she started selling me some cosmetics products she said were good. I knew if I continued to listen to her, it would surely not be easy to shrug her off. So I said, “I think I don’t have the need. I’ll buy from you when I do.” But then she began looking for defects in my skin, such as uneven complexion, unusually large pores, scars of pimples, and stuff like that. I found it more and more annoying, but she kept on selling her products, saying there were bargain prices during the special offer period. Tell me, would anyone be in the mood for shopping under such criticism?
As I was about to leave and listened no more to her bullshit, she was still clinging on to me like a fly, and I was extremely disgusted. It amounted to a full twenty-minute talking before she stopped that terrible act of hers.
Of course her promotion skill was a complete disaster, to say nothing of my skin which I believe was absolutely not as bad as she said !
Irritating ways must be put right, so I think. If customers show they are not interested at all, you should stop all promoting at once !

2006-11-28 20:27:09 補充:
pondering = 考慮;to fill out (something) = 填寫 (表格等);selling me cosmetics products, 這個 ‘sell’ 不是售賣, 是 ‘推銷’、‘推薦’;to shrug somebody off (phrasal verb) = 擺脫某人;stuff like that = 諸如此類、等等;bargain prices = 價格相宜;in the mood for = 有沒有心情 (做某事);‘criticism’ 似乎在文章內稍為嚴重了點, 可改為 ‘negative judgement’

2006-11-28 20:40:58 補充:
bull**** 是粗俗些, 應改為 ‘nonsense’;to cling on to something (phrasal verb) = be unwilling to stop doing something;a complete disaster, 這個 disaster 不解災難, 而是 a complete failure ‘徹底失敗的事’;to say nothing of something (idiom) = 更不用說、更何況;to put right = 更正
2006-12-06 10:53 pm
很用心啊, 怎麼會有負評的?
2006-11-29 3:55 am
Here, let me speak an experience to hear for everyone.
Once, I as often enter to bend the minister, the private purchase the daily necessity. proper I want to buy which kind the time that washes to face the milk, a salesman come over here me, asking me to fill a questionnaire, I see sometimes, so help if she filled. fill in the meantime, she start promote toward me some she says the very friendly hairdressing product. I know if the fruit darling hear the bottom goes to, I am necessarily very difficult and can leave. hence I say:"I think I have no this demand, waiting for me to have the demand again buy toward you." but she the beginning does not stop a people's ground to find out my callous weakness, what skin color asymmetry, the pore is bulky, also having the dark 瘡 print etc., I more hear more not happy, she still continue to promote, saying what now the special discount expansion period, the prices are all very substantial. I she such animadversion, try to ask who still have the mood to buy her product?
I am just preparing to leave, no longer hearing her useless talk, but she has been surrounding me, being like a fly, I feel extremely vexed to be disgusted with. end, she fully spoke for 20 minutes, just stopping her that terrible behavior.
Certainly, her promoting the technique is to fall to the ground of. much less, I believe own skin basically has no her to say so bad ﹗
So, I think her those troublesome behaviors have to correct to come over, if the customer indicates completely uninterested, you should right away stop promoting of everything ﹗
2006-11-29 2:03 am
Right here, let me share my own experience to you.
One time, I went to Watsons to buy things as usual. When I'm thinking about what cream to buy, a person came next to me and asks me to finish a question. I see there's still time, so I helped her. While writing, she started telling me about the best facial stuff that she had used. I know if I contiue paying attetion to her, it will be very hard to leave. So I say, I don't think I needed that help, if I'm in need, I shall buy it from you. But she started saying my skin's bad things, like skin colour not good, holes too big, and pimples......I feel sad as I listened on. She still continue saying. Saying that the free things and everything is cheaper. I was wronged by her, how can I have the mood to buy her things?
I was going to leace, not wanting to hear her rubbish(bull sh_it). But she still followed me, like a mosquito, I feel very annoyed. At the end, it took her 20 hours to stop this horrible habbit.
Of course, her tecnique is very bad. And also, my skin is not as bad as she says!
That's why, I think her actions have to be changed, if the costumers shows any sign of uninterest, you should stop this actions imediately!
參考: my help
2006-11-29 1:59 am
Now I'd like to share an experience.

One day, I went to Watsons for some daily supplies. When I was thinking which cleasing oil to buy, a salesperson came forward and started to sell me some products she claimed to be very nice. I knew if I stood there and listen, it would be difficult to get away. So I said, "I don't think I want them, I'd ask you if I need anything." But then she started to talk about my skin problem, like uneven skin tone, large pore, and pimple marks etc. Though I was upset about her critism, she just kept on talking, like promotion thing and how the price is really cheap. Would you buy her product after she criticized you like this?

I was about to leave, ready to be free from her crap. But she kept dangling me like an annoying fly, I was sick of her. At last, she stopped and twenty minutes had already pass.

For sure that her so-called selling was a total failure. Besides, I believe that my skin is quite alright that none of what she said is true.

So, I think that salesperson's disturbing actions should be corrected at once, if the customer showed no interest at all, a smart salesperson should walk away.
2006-11-29 1:36 am
Here, let me explain a experience to everybody. : One day, I entered Qu ChenShi to buy the daily necessities as usual. Is it buy where plant in washing one's face the milk, a salesman comes over by me to want when me, asking me to fill out a questionnaire, I see freely, so help her to fill out. While filling out, she begins to promote some to me she says very handy cosmetics. I know if the fruit is listened to obediently, I must be very difficult to leave.: Then I say: " I think I do not have this need, wait for me to need to turn towards you and buying again. " But she is it find out shortcoming, I of skin not parking mouthing to begin, what even complexion have, the pore is thick, there are dark sores that are printed etc., the more I hear, the more unhappy I am, she still continues promoting, what popularizes one favourably now to say, the price is all very substantial. I am criticized so by her, may well ask who has mood to buy her products? I am planning to leave, do not listen to her nonsense again, but she round I, like being only fly, I feel a extreme one irritated to detest.
Finally, she has fully talked for 20 minutes, just stops that terrible behavior of hers. Dr.eye: Certainly, her salesmanship totally fails. : Still more, I believe one's own skin is not said badly as she at all! So, I am thought those behaviors of disturbing of hers and must be corrected over, if the customer expresses the words that are not at all interested in, you should stop all distribution at once!
2006-11-29 1:32 am
At the 這裡 , the 讓 my 講 one the 個經驗給 everyone 聽 .
Have once, I such as often the 進 go in to bend minister a private 購買 a daily necessity.Positive 當 I think 著買 which 種 wash the 時 of noodles milk to wait, 1 pushes 銷員 to walk the 過來 my body 邊 , 請 I fill a問 book, my 見 has 時間 , so 幫 she filled.Fill together 時 , she starts toward me to push 銷 some her 說 very friendly hairdressing 產 articles for the 開 .I know if the fruit darling 聽 descend of 話 , I necessarily and very 難 then can 離開 .The 於 is my 說 :"I miss my 沒 to have the 這個 the demand, waiting me to have a demand again to your 買 ."But she keeps starting a people's ground to find out my skin 膚 to lack 點 for the 開 , the 什麼膚 color not and all 勻 , the pore is bulky, the 還 has dark 瘡 to print etc., I more the 聽 not more high 興 , the her 還繼續 pushes 銷 , the 說什麼現 pushes a 廣 period in the 優惠 , 價 spaces all very 實惠 .I am criticized 評 thus by her, does the 試問誰還 have mood 買 her產 an article?
I positive 準備離開 , no longer 聽 her廢話 , but she always 圍繞著 I, be like 隻蒼 蠅 is one 樣 , I feel the 煩厭 of 極 degree.Most 後 , she fully 講 20 cent 鐘 , just stop her that going of fearfulness 為 .
當 However, her pushing 銷 technique is completely to lose 敗 .More 況 , I believe the own skin 膚 root 沒 has her the 說 that 麼 is bad!
So, my 認為 she those 擾 persons go 為 necessarily 須 to correct 過來 , if the 顧 guest mean one complete not feeling 興 the 話 of the 趣 , pushing of stop everything of the your 應該 instant 銷 !

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