I can't type CHI word!!!(10pt)

2006-11-29 1:17 am
Why I can't?? I click "shift" and "ctrl", there are no XX(I don't know how to say.....
PlZ Help me~~~

回答 (2)

2006-11-29 8:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先你有無 set 左可以打到中文先 :

Control Panel --> Date,Time, Language, and Regional Options --> Regional and Language Options --> Languages Tab 上面有個 "Details..." button

開左個 window 仔有個 "Installed Services" list, 上面有無中文輸入 ? 如無既話就要 add 番佢先打到中文

另外你話 press "ctrl + shift" 都轉唔到中文, 咁就要睇下個 Key Setting 係乜先喇, 可能俾人改左 (好似我就要 press "alt + shift")
參考: 自己
2006-11-29 1:25 am
你是不是想打大階呀,應該quot 個caps lock就.

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