✔ 最佳答案
1 甲方委托乙方獨家代理其位於xxx (暂定名)”房地生產项目的廣告策劃、創意、設計及甲方要求下配合完成的制作工作及部分广告策劃支持工作。
The first party hereby appoints the second party as the sole agent of advertisement planning, artistic creation and designs work for the property construction project located at xxx . Under the requisition of the first party, the second party has to co-operate together with the first party to complete the production work and partial advertisement planning support work.
2 本合同未盡事宜,經甲乙雙方同意後可簽署補充協議以作修改。補充協議與本合同具有同等法律效力;
For any further conditions and points not mentioned in this Contract, a supplementary agreement is to be made for further amendments and further conditions after the first party and the second party have agreed. The supplementary agreement[s] are of the same legal effectual as this Contract.
3. 本合同在上述第二條所述的终止日時终止。
This Contract will be expired on the date same as that described in the above term 2.
4 在協議實施期間,雙方因不可抗力(如自然灾害、战争、政治等客觀原因),而導致合約無法履行,則雙方共同商討解决。
During the validity period of this Contract, as both parties cannot implement this Contract due to the special environmental factors of natural disaster, war, political affairs, etc., both parties will have to confer on the best way to solve the business.