Engineering Scheme A logbook

2006-11-29 1:07 am
I am a graduate engineer enrolled in scheme A training, which requires to write monthy report on a logbook.
How to write a good logbook?
what should be included? it asks us to keep record? but i am not sure what things to put in.
Can you give me a 1 page sample of the logbook?

回答 (3)

2006-11-29 5:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
From my experience, there is no basic format in writing monthly report.

You may write in "point form" or "essay type". But it depends on the likehood of your training tutor and ES. Some ES believe "point form" is good report format but some hate it very much. Some require their trainees to type and print it out for their comments b4 you write it by hand on the log book. But some need you wirte in the log book directly then they will mark up their comments. So i suggest you ask your ES what they prefer.

Most importantly, a good report is to write what you have learnt. The stuff you learnt have to fullfill the requirement in the Core/Specific Objectives. You may also attach some photos and drawings in the report to help your ES to understand what you have learnt.
2008-10-22 6:06 am
Pardon the ignorance, but is Scheme A Engineering= Preparatory course in Grade A Electrician's Trade Test?
Don't forget to organize and analyze logically.
Include a bibliography at the end if possible.
An ex-engineering student 68300331 if you need help
2006-11-30 1:20 pm
Format? It is really up to you!!

Content? Refer to the core/develpment objectives of your training scheme and see what you have to achieve. During the training period, you have to mention what you have done to get thodr core objectives achieved. For example, one of training objectives asks you to know something about contracts, you can write down what actions you have taken (e.g. attending a CPD course, working on contractual management.....) to achieve this core objective. If you want to flag it up in your training report so your mentor can follow, you can leave a 1 inch margin on either side in where u can put your objective no.


Content____________________________________________________ Core Objectives
On 23/11, I attended a one day CPD course which covers................|
...................................................................................................| B2
.................................................................................................. |
................................................................................................. .|

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