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嘩, 肥佬三號抄咗你條問題跟住又抄richard sham 喎......
The young man was abused by his mother during childhood, thus developed a improper value. He has been inculcated the contradict value such as violence. No love was given from the family during childhood, instead, mental and physical abuse was given, his attitude, behaviour and value were imitating his mother, plus family income is low, causing problems even for his fundermental living. When problems occur in the personal fundermental living and being abused by the closest family member, the person will lose balance, thus behave anti-socially. Anti-social does not nessarily means acting against the social regulation or standards, if for this young man for example, can be divided into 2 levels. The 1st level starts when he leaves home, this belongs to the FAMILY level. The more severe level is slivering, sexual harrassing and violence.
Proper action from society:
A social education acceptance is not barely from family; it can be divided into serveral levels, 1st: school level - strengthen this particular students communication with the school. 2nd; work / career level, 3rd is friends connections, and last is public media, and when these 4 levels is reacting positively on this victim, this person can be reborn.