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這是 Viewsonic 在資訊展熱銷的機種,它有相當特別的尺寸與解析度。一般 LCD 到 23 吋就會用 1920x1200 的高解析度,但 22 吋的 VX2235 卻使用 20 吋 LCD 的 1680x1050,( ( (this is not support by PS3 but PS2 ok la ) ) )原本 20 吋 LCD 的點距是非常細緻的 0.258mm,拉到 22 吋之後就變成 0.282mm。對比之下明顯可以看出 VX2235 的字體與圖示都稍微粗一點,好處是文字可以看得很清楚,畢竟大了兩吋。
VX2235 底部附掛喇叭,外型有點 LCD TV 的味道。OSD 按鈕沿著喇叭放置,雖然漂亮但非常非常難按,用手指去按常會被喇叭外框擋住,得用指甲去摳才行。螢幕本身調整機能並不好,只能前傾後仰 30 度,不能左右旋轉或升降。
畫面表現算是維持 Viewsonic 低價機種的「特色」,灰階中段都分不太清楚,暗部細節流失,實際看照片或影片的感覺就是刷得很暗淡,膚色或其他漸層顏色都快看不到細節了。5ms 的官方反應時間,在遊戲裡看則是嚴重鬼影還外加變色。直視時左右邊緣就因可視角度而偏黃,稍微轉個 30 度,螢幕半邊就黑掉了,讓人懷疑這是大尺寸的TN面板。
VX2235 的主要優點就是它熱銷的原因--「便宜」,一萬四千元買 22 吋超大 LCD,應該讓不少人心癢癢。如果你只在乎「大」的話,VX2235 是可以考慮,但筆者建議還是挑選同價位,品質較好 20 吋機種。
TVbox not as good as good TV card for watching TV unless you get those professiional one costing 5K+, If you are using S-video or composite video better get a LCD with composite video and s-video input even better with TV tunner,
In general if you are using a samsung or sony or sharp 30"-50" LCDTV your LCD mon will not be better. The old LCDTV have 1368X768 and support 1080i which the view sonic is 1050 only. A new generation LCD TV have 1920X1080P that is much better than the VX2235. Also color on view sonic not very good and mon not very bright.
The BenQ 37" 1920X1080P LCD TV is only around 10K HKD.
If need to use PS3 in the near future you must need a LCD mon or TV that support 1920X1080P, 1680X1050 is a no-stardard format when use as a TV so it will down grade to 1368X768, no real different using normal 32" LCD TV costing only 4-5K HKD
色差訊號輸出的DVD is not really high quality on a 22" screen S-video will give you same quality, some 300-500HKD DVD have HDMI or VGA D-SUB output, you can plug to LCD monitor or LCD TV directly
If need to use PS3 in the near future you must need a LCD mon or TV that support 1920X1080P, 1680X1050 is a no-stardard format when use as a TV so it will down grade to 1368X768, no real different using normal LCD TV
The following are other cheap choice with s-video and composit input
DellTM 2007WFP 20" UltraSharpTM 寬螢幕平面 LCD 顯示器
高階寬螢幕平面監視器含數位 DVI-D (HDCP)/類比/S-video/ Composite 輸入 1600X1050
DellTM 2407WFP 24" UltraSharpTM 寬螢幕平面 LCD 顯示器
超高階寬螢幕平面顯示器含數位 DVI-D (HDCP)/類比/S-video/ Composite/Component 輸入 1920x1200
2006-11-29 10:05:54 補充:
Sorry la 一萬四千元買 is taiwan moneyAlso 1680X1050 is not common support by most TV box.