i would like to enrol in art programs for U or college

2006-11-28 9:00 pm
Hi, I have taken fine art courses in Canadian high school upto the last school year and done most of the requirements for th art portfolio. However, i lost some of the art works such as oil painting and sculpture. I wish to obtain an art degree eventually. Please give me some suggestion as to where i can study at this stage (i already has a degree for another major) and where can i finish off the lost art works for the portfolio?
thanks a lot.

thanks for ur answers. however, can you guys give me some suggestion of any place i can take courses to finish up my portfolio, i am looking for so called" portfolio class" anything similar to what i want is alright with me. hope someone can answer this. thanks

回答 (2)

2006-11-29 10:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
i am wondering the high school in Canada is the same as Hong Kong high school~~~~actually, fine art / visual art department requires portfolio and the portfolio is VERY IMPORTANT~~~the public exam results are less impotant~~~

so , if you lost the portfolio, i think in this stage you should make a new one~~~the portfolio is really important than everything, i know~~~

your portfolio should reflect your OWN STYLE, and let the interviewers know WHO ARE YOU~~~as you know, fine art is reflecting the artist's characteristics or passion~~~

generally, if you wish to study fine art / visual art in local university, the requirements are HKALE passes in Chinese and English~~~you can apply for HKU, CU or BU~~~i recommand you to apply for HKU or BU, CU actually is not very good (just my opinion)

BUT~~~the portfolio is the most important~~~

i hope i can help you~~
2006-11-30 1:52 am
If studying Fine art in Hong Kong, CU (Chinese University of Hong Kong) is the best. It provides practical art courses, while HKU providing only Art History courses. BU provides courses of media art, e.g. video, computer art.

Profolio is important. In this stage, I think compiling the profolio with your existing works is enough.

However, if you've already obtained one degree, you can consider the courses of fine art of your university. I dont know the system of Canadian university; but in hong kong, if you take second degree in the same university, some elementary courses could be exempted from and the time of acquiring a further degree can be shortened.

2006-12-13 00:03:27 補充:
Similar course is available for secondary student in HK but not for tertiary student.

2006-12-13 00:03:45 補充:
But, you dont need to worry about that. A profolio for applying department of fine art is very simple. It includes your info, educational background, the reason of applying such course & department and the works you have.

2006-12-13 00:04:33 補充:
I dont know the procedure of oversea universities. but in HK, apart from the profolio, you are required to take an interview and at that time you can explain your works upon the profolio, expressing your passion for studying fine art and ..

2006-12-13 00:05:01 補充:
.. the very important thing is to ... show off yourself so as to leave impression in professors' mind.

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