'Book' is a noun or verb?

2006-11-28 8:27 pm
do you know

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2006-11-28 10:05 pm
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'Book' can be used as a verb or a noun.

Example of noun:
She has written several books (n) on the subject.
His name is no longer on our books (n).

Example of verb:
Mary has booked (v) a flight from New York to London.
The cop booked (v) John on a charge of speeding.

Hope I can help you.
2006-11-29 12:24 am
1. 書,書本,書籍;著作;報章雜誌
She has written several books on the subject.
2. 本子;簿冊;支票簿
3. 帳冊;名冊[P][K]
His name is no longer on our books.
4. (長篇作品的)卷,篇,部
5. 裝訂成書本形的同類物品
6. (輕鬆音樂劇的)歌詞;(戲劇的)腳本
7. 課業;功課[the P]
8. 賭注登錄[P]
9. 電話號碼簿[the S]
1. 預訂;預雇;預約
Mary has booked a flight from New York to London.
2. (警方)將...登記入冊以作指控之用
The cop booked John on a charge of speeding.
3. 登記
4. 為...登錄賭注
1. 預訂
2. 【英】(旅客)登記住入旅館
2006-11-28 11:07 pm
Book can be in noun and verb
2006-11-28 8:37 pm
'Book' can either be a noun or verb:

e.g. This book is mine (noun) 書本
e.g. He had booked a personal loan from HK Bank (verb) 預訂
2006-11-28 8:33 pm
"book;can be a noun or a verb
2006-11-28 8:30 pm
"book" can be a noun or a verb
need to see the whole sentence structure in order to decide bor ...

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