有外國人打黎 , 如果佢搵果個同事無返工 , 英文點講呀 ?

2006-11-28 7:46 pm
有外國人打黎 , 如果佢搵果個同事無返工 , 英文點講呀 ?

回答 (7)

2006-11-28 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am sorry that XXX is not in the office today, may I take a message for you?
2006-11-28 9:18 pm
最簡單可以講 "He/She is not here today."
如果想問要唔要留message, 可以講 "do you want to leave a message?" 或者有禮貌d "Would you like to leave a message?"
2006-11-28 7:53 pm
1/ 佢個日休息=she/he is day-off, sick-leave, on annual leave, on vacation
2006-11-28 7:53 pm
She/He (或同事名) is on leave today. <-- 一日假
You can call her/him tomorrow.

She/He (或同事名) is on vacation. <-- 長假
Can I take a message? / Can I help you?
2006-11-28 7:52 pm
xxxx is not in office right now ,would your mind leave a message and i will reach to him/her right away?
2006-11-28 7:51 pm

He/She is not in the office today,
(and will be here tomorrow.)
2006-11-28 7:50 pm
she / he is out of office (她 / 他不在公司)

she / he is on the way to office (她 / 他正回公司途中)
參考: 自己

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