銀包買mulberry好, 定還是買Bottega Veneta好?

2006-11-28 8:39 am
如題, 想買銀包, 但唔想買LV 或Gucci, 因太濫, 請問mulberry好定還是 Bottega Veneta好? 我想買d款係襟興d, 皮做的, 同埋這兩個牌子的price range (around), 如有其他好介紹, 不妨提議.... 因我買一個銀包會用好耐, 所以唔想求其買, 萬分感激!

回答 (2)

2006-11-29 2:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
since your requirments are below
(1) 皮做
(2) 個銀包會用好耐
(3) 唔想求其
i recommend you buy MULBERRY


it is better because:
(1) it is more longlasting and elegant in style
(2) so if you prefer stylish ones, you better take BV
(3) BV is more expensive while mulberry is in good quality and cheaper

hope i can help you
2006-11-28 8:43 am
mulberry & bv is ok and how about hermes?

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