
2006-11-28 8:26 am

回答 (1)

2006-11-28 10:04 am
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我鍾情於馬賽爾.杜象(1887-1968) 「下棋者 1911」這幀畫是畫杜象兩位兄弟下棋的情形, 而且有觀眾在旁觀戰. 更有黑白色的象棋。這樣把人物分割, 還原成線條和幾何圖形的風格,在今次展覽的作品中,最邏輯地代表了我喜歡的立體主義Cubism。

Marcel Duchamp, his 1911 Portrait of Chess Players (Portrait de joueurs d'echecs) shows the Cubist overlapping frames and multiple perspectives of his two brothers playing chess, to that he added elements conveying the mental activity of the players.

The position of the central head, with the head resting on the hand or fist, is a posture inextricably linked with chess players. However, in several instances, the hand at the chin appears to support the figure mentally rather than physically.

Rendered on lined stationery from Paris’s Hotel Lutetia, the drawing is intimate in scale but dense with visual information. The profiles of the two players interlock above the perspectival game board; vectors radiating out from center represent the intense intellectual activity at play. Chess pieces float freely in this abstracted world, suggesting that the space depicted is a purely cerebral realm.

For Duchamp, who would soon devote himself to playing chess exclusively and only intermittently producing conceptual work involving readymades, linguistic strategies, and mechanistic imagery, chess was the perfect art form in that it engaged one’s “gray matter” rather than one’s retina.

2006-11-28 02:07:01 補充:
依足指示答題, 愉快 !.... :D..

2006-11-28 02:14:49 補充:
網主彬彬有禮,難得 ! 難得 !!..

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