
2006-11-28 8:07 am
加上之前用棉花棒撩耳吾知係吾係跌佐粒棉花頭入耳仔, 個心成日形住耳仔入面有野,
剛問過播道醫院, 收門診費$155+洗一邊耳仔@200+其他(>$500幾蚊),
有無平D既醫生(醫院/私家醫生)可以介紹下? 全套$200左右,
九龍區(深水步, 何文田, 九龍塘, 九龍城, 油尖旺區,,,皆可),

回答 (2)

2006-11-29 1:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
i have the same problem with you and i see my family doctor
he wash my ears for me and cost me $250 (both ears)

my family doctor in Tai Wai (Dr. Ho) is quite good on this and he can tell you what happen (because i have seen him 1 months ago for the same problem),
he is very nice and may be you can see him if he can help you.
His clinic Tel no 2634 5530

Hope he can help you.
2006-11-29 8:15 am
我之前都成日耳仔痕.我以為耳屎多, 咁去睇醫生.醫生話我好乾淨.唯獨係好紅.佢話可能我發炎,同埋洗頭時d水流左落去.跟住佢比左d藥膏我, 叫我每日兩次用棉花棒搽, 差不多兩日我無痕了, 不如你睇睇係咪發炎先

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