
2006-11-28 6:40 am
pls..tell me

回答 (4)

2006-11-28 6:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
If Male = B, that means he can be B & B or B & O
if Female = 0, that means she can only be O & O

So, if Male = B&B and Female = O&O, their baby will be B&O for all combination, i.e. B type.

If Male = B&O and Female = O&O, then, 50% B&O (i.e. B) and 50% O&O (i.e. O type).

If we have no idea about the male, than assuming 50-50 for B&B and B&O, it means:-

B-type: 75%, O-type: 25%
2006-11-28 7:23 am
您的情況同我一樣,男B+女O=O型, 因為我的兒女都是O型。
參考: 經驗
2006-11-28 7:05 am
因為o型血的DNA是recessive gene, 而b型血的DNA則是dominant.
如果女的血型是o的話, 那就表示女的兩個血液的gene都是o, 男的gene則可以是bb, bo等組合.
兩人生出來的小孩可以有ob或oo的組合(oo, ob, ob, bo), 那麼他(她)的血型比率將會是3:1, b型:o型. 四份三機會b型, 四份一機會o型.
2006-11-28 6:45 am
子女可能係 = B型 或者 O型
不可能 = A型 & AB型

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