help ~~~

2006-11-28 6:05 am
Assuming repetition is allowed. Find the number of strings of five English letters that
(a)contain no vowels
(b)start with a vowel
(c)at least one vowel
(d)begin with B or end with H
(e)start with C and contain at least one vowel

回答 (2)

2006-11-28 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a)C(contain no vowels)=C(the first is consonant)xC(the second is consonant)xC(the third is consonant)xC(the fourth is consonant)xC(the fifth is consonant)


b)C(start with a vowel)=C(the first is vowel)xC(the second to fifth are consonant)

c)C(at least one vowel)=All combination-C(conatin no vowels)

d)C(begin with B or end with H)
=C(the word begins with B)+C(the word end with H) -C(begin with B and end with H)

e)C(start with C and contain at least one vowel)
=C(first letter is C)xC(the remaining letters contain at least one vowel)
=(1)x(all combination of 4 letters - C(the remaining 4 letters contain no vowels)
2006-11-28 6:23 am
there are 26 letters and 5 vowels (a,e,i,o,u) also repetition is allowed
the number of strings of five English letters that contain no vowels
the number of strings of five English letters that start with a vowel
the number of strings of five English letters that at least one vowel
=total number of strings of five English letters- the number of strings of five English letters that contain no vowels
the number of strings of five English letters that begin with B or end with H
the number of strings of five English letters that start with C and contain at least one vowel
=total number of strings of five English letters that start with C- the number of strings of five English letters that that start with C and contain no vowels

2006-11-27 22:57:53 補充:
(d) is wrongthe number of strings of five English letters that begin with B or end with H =26^4 26^4-26^3=2(26^4)-26^3

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