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The Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) format is a type of XML metafile designed to store a list of Windows Media files to play during a multimedia presentation.
It is used frequently on streaming video servers where multiple ASF files are to be played in succession. Both RTSP and MMS streaming protocols are supported, as well as HTTP.
ASX files have MIME type video/x-ms-asf (as do ASF files).
--------------------- 以上資料由維基百科提供 --------------------------
asx 檔案屬於串流播放模式, 它不是一個簡單的多媒體檔案, 而是綜合了多個多媒體檔案, 形式就好像點唱機, 你可以指示點唱機去播放那一張唱片, 但你不能直接觸模到唱片, 所以檔案便不能下載或複製