the English of "糯米糍" and 做法

2006-11-28 4:53 am
What is the English of "糯米糍" and 做法(English Please!!!)急用!!!

回答 (3)

2006-11-29 2:43 am
Glutinous Rice Ball With Red Bean Paste


Glutinous Rice Flour 300 g
Corn Flour 50 g
Sweet Condensed Milk 6 tbsp
Boiled Warm Water 200 ml
Red Bean Paste 400 g
Grinded Coconut 200 ml


1) Mix glutinous rice flour and corn flour in a large bowl
2) Add water and condensed milk, mix well as soft paste roll
3) Pour into pain container and steam in high heat for 15 minutes
4) Cut paste roll into 6 balls while it cool down, press a hole on ball by thumb
5) Steam red bean paste with 1 tbsp of water until soft, let it cool
6) Filled red bean paste into rice ball's hole by a spoon, seal the rice ball
7) Rolling the rice ball gently until the ball is total sealed
8) Roll over on grinded coconut, dish up and serve in cool
2006-11-28 4:58 am
Sticky Rice!
2006-11-28 4:55 am

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