tennis (hit the ball)

2006-11-28 4:39 am
if i swing my racquet and hit the ball, it should be a clear 'pon' sound came out....(typical tennis sound)
if not, is this represent I didn't hit the ball properly??? or......something wrong

回答 (8)

2006-11-28 9:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, you are right. You probably have off centre hit. No matter which racquet that you are using, there is a small area (a point) called COP - Centre of Percussion. This point is one of the area within the so-called sweet spot, and if you are having the coming ball impact to that particular small area will give you a clean "POP".

Actually, if you can master a good eye - ball tracking and a clean contact on the COP, you should have a clean "POP" on every hit, no matter you have top spin drive, slice, serve, volley etc.

If you put string dampener on, it will absorb some of the vibration from the stringbed (only from the stringbed, but not the racquet), and it will tune down the tone of "POP". This is just a personal preference, without any actual performance advantage.

Am I answered your question?
2006-11-28 6:13 pm
係呀, 有pon一聲先正確呀!
網球pro手,下下都有pon聲, 打得應law, 如果下旋就冇d咁嘅聲
2006-11-28 5:59 pm
I supposed you admire the Ping /Pong sound you heard from TV very much. Of course, the Pros hit the ball harder is true, but mostly, that was the sound effect by those microphones around the tennis court.
If you play indoor tennis, you will hear clear sounds like Pon Pon Pon which you dont get from outdoor.
Remember, the sound does not represent good player. Hence, if you cant make the sound, if does not meant you are no good. So dont care about it too much.
Best of luck.
參考: SELF
2006-11-28 1:58 pm
there is 2 possible problem

1: the tennis ball used too much...u should always use newer ball!
2:if u hit the ball in the middle and dun add spin...juz add force...may be its sound very sweet@@

Of coz...sweet sound doesn't means ur skill gd!!
2006-11-28 12:28 pm
The 'ping' or 'pong' sound depends mostly on the racquet frame's construction. A stick with tubelar construction (empty inside) is more likely to produce that sound than one filled with foam.

I have an old Head racquet (with tubelar construction) which makes the sound but the ProStaff 6.0 85 (filled with foam inside) does not. They are about the same head size.

If you have a damper installed, it will reduce the 'ping' sound as well.
2006-11-28 6:16 am
i like to hear the ping sound from other's racket. but my racket never makes that kind of sound ! don't know why
i guess it is b'cos i strung at very low tension.

i guess rackets have their own sound, like a musical instrument. together with the string, they give out different sound.

i don't think sound is that important. the best swing i made also didn't have any sound.
However, if it is the same racket, and same string, which used to have a pleasant sound, but now disappears, it may only mean that you need to restring your racket la.

Hand feel however can tell more about it.
2006-11-28 5:32 am
應該冇pon ga!

2006-11-29 00:11:15 補充:
pro有pon一聲?我剩係聽到佢地大嗌一聲咋wo~D pro pon一聲係因為打centre court, 有好大回音, D觀眾又靜, D收音又好,所以先聽到聲, 不過好似唔係pon架wo, 因為pon一聲係完全冇旋先有ga~D pro好少打D冇旋o既波ga wo, 因為冇旋會好易打出界ga~~
參考: me
2006-11-28 4:45 am
i thing the sound is not a problem
it maybe is the ball or your powert is oo small

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