
2006-11-28 3:28 am

烈性能量飲料,唔係個個頂得順 不是人人可以承受


fierce energy drink is not everyone can bear 這句可以嗎?文法有沒有錯?

回答 (8)

2006-11-28 4:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Not everyone has high level of tolerance to strong energy drinks.

例︰酒量高叫high levels of tolerance to alcohol

2006-11-27 20:16:57 補充:
fierce energy drink is not everyone can bear 這句的文法有錯誤,很明顯是用翻譯軟件,文法上應該是︰Not everyone can bear fierce energy drink.形容飲品的濃烈通常用strong,例︰strong tea, strong alcohol
2006-11-29 12:55 am
Not everyone can stand strong energy drinks.
2006-11-28 8:51 pm
This is too strong of a alcohol contented for everyone to take.

2006-11-28 13:02:18 補充:
Sorry, correction:想落 everyone to take 不對, 應改為:This is too strong of a alcohol contented for most people.
參考: SELF
2006-11-28 6:19 pm
"fierce energy drink is not everyone can bear " is a direct translation

Not everyone can stand (stand is a better word than 'bear') energy drinks

"fierce" is definitely not the right word
maybe strong? or high-energy level drinks?
not sure, sorry...

but definitely 'not everyone can stand (noun)'
2006-11-28 3:43 am
Strong energy beverage , is not it everybody that can translate
2006-11-28 3:42 am
it's not likely that everyone can stand for the fierce drink!

2006-11-28 3:32 am
Not anybody can accept the fierce energy drink.

2006-11-27 19:33:31 補充:
Not everybody can accept the fierce energy drink. 呢句才對。
2006-11-28 3:32 am
The fierce energy drink, is not each one along the translation

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