C++ question

2006-11-28 2:24 am
如果我想INSERT 一個integer入string到,
for example, b=10;
i want to put b into a string.
How can i do this?

p.s.i hv tried b+48,then string+=b directly, but it only works for b<=9

回答 (2)

2006-11-28 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
C++ 既 string processing 真係好煩... 如果有得揀呢, 份工課用好似 perl 呢 d 比較多d string processing function 既 languages 會好 d...

不過如果用 c ++ 既話, 應該係:

// convert your integer into string of characters
char result[100];
int b=10;
sprintf( result, "%d", b );

//Then do your operations with the string... 即係做 +=result 之類
2006-11-28 2:41 am
如果你是用C string (即是利用character array的話)

int a=atoi("123");

如果那個string是一個小數的話,它只會理會整數部分(不會作任何round up, round down 或者round off)

int a=atoi("123.5"), b=atoi("123.11");


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