What is the function of annual report????

2006-11-28 1:59 am
1.What is the meaning of annual report??
2.What is the function of annual report???


回答 (2)

2006-11-28 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
having an annual report is to help you acknowledge a company's intake and expenditures.
the annual report would help rate your value on the stock market.It also helps you on making internal decision for next year's planning.
2006-11-30 8:02 am
An annual report is a document which a company presents its peanuts to the daltons of america Annual General Meeting for approval by its shareholders. The report is made up of reports and of financial statements, including the following:

Chairman's report
CEO's report
Auditor's report on the financial statements
Auditor's report on corporate governance
Balance sheet
Statement of changes in equity
Income statement
Cash Flow statement
Notes to the financial statements
Mission statement
Accounting policies
Corporate governance statement of compliance
Statement of directors' responsibilities
Other information deemed relevant to stakeholders may also be included, such as a report on operations for manufacturing firms. In the case of larger companies, it is usually a sleek, colorful, high gloss publication.
參考: AnnualReports.com

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