英文 "all the way through" 點解?

2006-11-28 12:50 am
請問英文 "all the way through" 點解?

回答 (3)

2006-11-28 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
all the way through = from beginning to the end 由頭去到尾, 多和 WORK 一起用


Synchronicities | Synchronicity Arkive
It may not work all the way through for you but I do believe the first few songs will still work well no matter what version you use. There will be somebody out there who agrees. » 1 comment | read more ...
www.synchronicityarkive.com/taxonomy_menu/7?from=10&PHPSESSID=897285b7e97f7c29659b36305711b68d - 31k -


The games are dull and it would require extreme dedication to work all the way through every exercise here. And, unfortunately, the potential innovation of speech recognition did not work as it should have. ...
www-writing.berkeley.edu/chorus/call/reviews/spanishyourway/spanurway2.html - 10k


There were a couple of nights when I had to work all the way through, and it was horrendous. The rats would come in and let me know that I was on their time. Besides coping with the rats, were there any other difficulties? ...
nationalzoo.si.edu/Publications/OnlineFeatures/SpindlerInterview/page3.htm - 16k -

有兩晚我要熬夜 (做天光),好可怕。

Do volcanoes go all the way through the earth? rocky Belinda Gupton. Dear Belinda,. No. Volcanoes (and the magma that feeds them) are limited to the outer portions of the Earth. The radius of the Earth is a little over 6000 km. ...
volcano.und.edu/vwdocs/frequent_questions/grp12/question1792.html - 2k -

火山是否在地球中由地面去至地底 (由頭去到尾)?
2006-11-28 2:23 am
"all the way through" 解一直全面
2006-11-28 1:45 am
all the way through (一直到底)

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