
2006-11-27 8:01 pm
1) 港式答案普遍用: 三、四、五、六、七、八、九成

2) 半生熟Medium、生Rare、偏生Medium Rare或 全熟Well Done

3) 又曾聽聞應該用單數: 一、三、五、七、九成

一成 〜 生 Rare
三成 〜 偏生 Medium Rare
五成 〜 半生熟 Medium
七成 〜 ?
九成 〜 全熟 Well Done

七成=幾多 ?

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回答 (2)

2006-11-27 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
大概七成是 medium well:

The amount of time a steak is cooked is a personal preference; shorter cooking times retain more juice and flavor, whereas longer cooking times result in drier, tougher meat but reduce concerns about disease. A vocabulary has evolved to describe the temperature or degree to which one prefers one's steak cooked. The following terms are in order from least cooked to most cooked:

Raw - uncooked. Except in special dishes, like steak tartare, steak is not eaten or ordered at this stage.

Blue rare or very rare - Cooked very quickly; the outside is seared, but the inside is usually cool and not warm and definitely not cooked. The steak will be red on the inside.

Rare - The outside is grey-brown, and the middle of the steak is mostly red and warm, with the edge of the inside pink.

Medium rare - The outside is grey-brown, the very middle of the steak may still be red, fading through pink to a grey-brown near the surface of the meat. Unless specified otherwise, upscale steakhouses will cook to this level.

Medium - The very inside is pink, fading to grey-brown throughout the rest of the meat. The outside is grey-brown.

Medium well - The meat is mostly grey-brown with a hint of pink. The juiciness of the steak is reduced when cooked to this level.

Well done - The meat is grey-brown throughout; the juiciness and tenderness is reduced, and the meat may seem dry and chewy.

Most people tend to order their steaks somewhere between medium rare and medium well.
2006-11-27 8:11 pm
七成 〜Lunch set

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