BCG Matrix 係咩 ??

2006-11-27 9:20 am
有人可以用中文解釋一次bcg matrix 係咩? 送你10分

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2006-11-27 6:21 pm
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企業策略定位分析(BCG MATRIX)

波士頓顧問公司(Boston Consulting Group)於1970年提出BCG成長/佔有率矩陣—產品組合矩陣(Product Portfolio Matrix),將企業依其市場成長率與市場佔有率劃分為應思考如何擴張的事業、欣欣向榮的明星事業(Stars)、保持獲利的事業(Cash Cow)與茍延殘喘的事業(Dogs),並建議各類型企業應採取不同的策略.

BCG(Boston Consultant Group)的成長佔有率矩陣(Growth-Share Matrix),縱座標是該產品市場的成長率,橫座標則是相對於最大競爭者的佔有率,其中的圈圈代表了每個產品在該市場上的銷售量。市場成長率,即銷售產品的市場年度成長率,用以衡量市場擴張的速度。市場佔有率,用以衡量企業在市場上的強度。

成長佔有率可分為四個方格,每一個方格代表不同類型的事業:a. 問題事業(question marks):係指公司中高成長率,而低相對市場佔有率的事業。落在這個區域的產品,通常在市場上是對的,但是定位不對,來不及振衰起敝,就屬於這一「問題」類。b. 明星事業(Stars):問題事業若成功了,很快就變成明星事業。「明星」,就是市場成長快、佔有率又大的產品。c. 金牛事業(Cash cow): 當市場年成長率降至10%,而公司仍擁有最大的相對市場佔有率,則該明星事業將變成金牛事業;因為它能為公司產生許多現金。這種產品是可以為公司擠牛奶的,但是這些產品多屬成長率很低的市場,且特點是現金流量高,公司可以有利潤。d. 茍延殘喘事業(Dogs): 係指公司在成長率低的市場且相對市場佔有率低的市場。公司應考慮是否有好的理由去繼續此茍延殘喘事業。
參考: 國際合作知識網, (圖也在那裡)
2006-11-28 6:34 am
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a management consulting firm founded by Harvard Business School alum Bruce Henderson in 1963. He left HBS ninety days before graduation to work for Westinghouse Corporation, where he became one of the youngest vice presidents in the company's history. He would leave Westinghouse to head Arthur D. Little's management services unit before accepting an improbable challenge from the CEO of the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company to start a consulting arm for the bank. BCG began mailing concise, innovative, controversial, and stimulating essays designed to stimulate senior management thinking on a range of business issues. The subject matter was chosen to be deliberately provocative, significant in implication, and relevant to the policy decisions of corporate competition. The pieces were called Perspectives and over the next four decades they would become the vehicle for thinking that consistently challenged both classic economic theory and current business practice. Henderson referred to them as "a punch between the eyes."

BCG growth-share matrix
In the 1970s, the BCG created and popularized the "growth-share matrix", a simple chart to assist large corporations in deciding how to allocate cash among their business units. The corporation would categorize its business units as "Stars", "Cash Cows", "Question Marks", and "Dogs", and then allocate cash accordingly, moving money from cash cows toward "stars" and "question marks" that had higher market growth rates, and hence higher upside potential.

The chart was popular for two decades and "continues to be used as a primer in the principles of portfolio management," as BCG says.

2006-11-27 22:36:47 補充:
business units as "Stars", "Cash Cows", "Question Marks", and "Dogs",

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