
2006-11-27 7:38 am
邊D食得,, 邊D唔食得呢??
點樣食先至食得晒,, 唔會浪費,, 又食得有儀態呢??
我之前食左2,3次,, 食左好耐.. 好麻煩..

回答 (1)

2006-11-27 7:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
cut all legs first, save the body later
1) cut the leg near the joint into sections and push the meat out by the metal stick given.
2) finsih all legs then move to the crab cover
3) use the metal stick again to open the cover by putting through the crab mouth ( under the eyes)
4) remove the lungs (white , looks like fingers)
5) use the metal stick to eat the "ko" on the cover, add some vinegar, taste better
6) use the metal stick to eat the body slowly, not much meat to eat

usually only 10 mins can finish the crab
參考: personal experience

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