上班買袋Prefer Agnes b , Gucci or Other??

2006-11-27 7:05 am
As I m a man, if I wear suit. Which Bag is better? Agnes B 三用袋
Or Gucci Hand carry bags?? I need every ones idea~>> Thank

By the way, In agnes b shop, can I buy the original agnes b bag??

I means -- In agnes b shop, can I still buy the original 三用袋,,, because in many shop of agnes b, they ve 三用袋 but is not the original one....

回答 (3)

2006-11-27 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
我覺得睇下你份工會唔會好Formal 咁啊...
因為著西裝好像用個類型會比較match d..

(但不會很老土的=) )

1.bally ( 佢仲有其他斜咩袋,番工都可以ga)
2.porter ($1xxx多元..) material and 款式都會young一點....亦不會過於casual..
3.dunhill (呢個真係會較formal ,正經d的..價錢都會貴d..)

你係agnes b買袋當然是真啊....!
如果你識人係agens b做sales ,就可以有staff discount

因為唔太知你budget,要求的款等等..所以只有少少idea for you ah !!
2006-11-28 8:41 pm
agnes b 三用袋就young d, 而Gucci 0既袋就會成孰d. 所以如果係後生仔0岩0岩出0黎做0野0個種, 我諗agnes b 三用袋會比較適合你多d. 同埋0係agnes b專門店買0既袋一定係真ga bor.
2006-11-27 7:34 am
個人選擇agnes b 黑色岩返工多d

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