Modern fitness

2006-11-27 5:12 am
我想join Modern fitness 既 gym , 但又不知道這間好不好, 月費是平, 但我怕教練會好hard sales, 請問有人是modrn fitness的 會員嗎??

回答 (4)

2006-11-27 11:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
YES,The facilities are not good enough......我之前在MORDERN FITNESS做教練
The aerobic class is ok la !!
advice you to play aerobic class of Suki IS VERY GOOD(yoga) , Frank IS VERY專業(step.....)
教練 一般.......要看看你自己心目中想点,我覺得你不用想太多其他問題:
月費是平.....佰幾元....OK 的(有GYM,SANA,STEAM)
叫你買咩買咩不用理會......最重要是自己想不想....BECAUSE 其它比Modern fitness 還差!!OK....
2006-11-29 8:59 am
答咀問句....我以前都曾經想過join modern fitness,結果join左physical。依家合約完左覺佢得迫人做永久,唔永久又貴,所以都想join modern fitness,想問下設施不足係指邊方面呢?其實我主要都係想做下消耗機(cross ramp),拉下筋,跳下aerobic 同焗下sauna咁,ok唔ok呢? thanks.

2006-11-29 01:03:42 補充:
其實康文署gym room計落唔算好平咖。$17一個鐘(每個鐘搭正12計,唔係計你幾點入場)。月費就$180。又要考左金咭先可以用,所以相對地唔係太方便。
2006-11-28 1:03 am
我都想join, 今日剛好有時間打電話去查詢。月費一年$1500, 兩年$3000, 由於我主要想跳hip hop dance / funky dance, 再問之下, 佢地都有, 不過這類型dance class 唔係普通健康舞班, 所有導師都係專業 (聲稱TVB DANCER etc), 要extra 買堂, $1000 - 十堂, 送一堂, $2000 - 廿四堂送一堂。其它schedule, 設備都唔洗額外比錢, 希望我無聽漏/聽錯啦!

本人認為join 一年保險一點。
參考: 自己 (今天曾與中環分店一位教練查詢)
2006-11-27 9:49 pm
I was a Modern fitness member from 00 to 05.........
The facilities are not good enough......
The aerobic class is ok la......but I think it is not suitable for me.....
advice you to play aerobic class of Suki (yoga) , Frank(step.....but difficult)
教練 not so very trouble......not trouble as california fitness.....
you should strongly say ok~~~
It's cheap........but can fulfil my need lor........
Hope it can help!!
if you want to be cheaper, advice you to go 康文署 one......very cheap but no aerobic class included inside gym......need to take classes.....

2006-11-27 17:12:35 補充:
I advice 1 year la~~~may be you will regard after me......always half year and 1 also can try the cardio boxing (suki) can make you sweat alot...good for keep fit. Yoga(suki) is mind think of it la~~~but I think 不過齋去steam or saula or 洗澡 都 便宜 la~~~

2006-11-27 17:17:23 補充:
yes arh~~~when you join the class...... becareful.....some will be extra classes.....
參考: me.....gym lover

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