2006-11-27 4:27 am
About Chemical polarity(Test liquids for polarity)
1.Explain the effect of the charged rod on jet of water
2.What do you think would happen with a rod of opposite charge?Explain answer
3. How would the different densities of the liquids affect the result?

回答 (1)

2006-11-27 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Explain the effect of the charged rod on jet of water

A stream of liquid run out from the jet would be attracted towards the charged rod, say, if a negatively charged rod is brought near by, the hydrogen end of the water molecule would be attracted and the water stream would be attracted towards the charged rod. [ of course the oxygen end is repulsion. but the distance between the charged rod and hydrogen end is shorter and distance between charged rod and oxygen end is longer, results in attraction greater than repulsion.]

2.What do you think would happen with a rod of opposite charge?Explain answer
The water stream is still attracted towards the charged rod. This time, it is the oxygen end feel the attraction and hydrogen end feel the repulsion.

3. How would the different densities of the liquids affect the result?
The water stream would bend towards the charged rod. the higher the density of the loquid used, the smaller the extent of this bending effect.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 16:24:39
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