
2006-11-27 2:24 am
尋晚跳完break dance, 跳左四粒鐘到,係咁練倒立同freeze,好累。到今朝起身d手腳都仲係無力,d肌肉都係好痛,有咩方法可以快d回復番原狀呢?我認為係肌肉疲勞(muslce fatigue),唔係唔夠glucose。thanks...

回答 (3)

2006-11-27 10:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
做返少少帶氧運動 , 拉返鬆o的筋當係cool down 加 飲soda水

咁樣肌肉果o的乳酸就快o的散/中和 ....
2006-11-27 8:55 am
~it's because you do exercises so vigorous or quickly, your inhaled oxygen can not
oxidize enough the monosacharide ,like glucose, to release energy for you need( aerobic respiration )

~but your body need energy to 跳break dance, 倒立同freeze, so it must use anaerobic respiration (無氧呼吸), this process will produce some by-product(副產品),
it's 乳酸, they will accumulate in your muslce. And make your muslce pain OR無力

~you can massage the muslce or sock in the hot water those can release 乳酸

[ 有氧呼吸, 需氧呼吸 ( 生物細胞在氧氣參與下, 通過催化作用, 把糖類等有機物徹底氧化分解, 產生二氧化碳和水, 同時釋放大量能量的過程 ) ]

[ 無氧呼吸, 缺氧呼吸 ( 生物細胞在無氧條件下, 通過的催化作用, 把糖類等有機物分解成不徹底的氧化產物, 同時釋放出少量能量的過程 ) ]
參考: ME
2006-11-27 2:30 am

參考: me

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